The AD8614 (single) and AD8644 (quad) are single-supply, 5.5 MHz bandwidth, rail-to-rail amplifiers optimized for LCD monitor applications. They are processed using the Analog Devices, Inc. high voltage, extra fast complementary bipolar (HV XFCB) process. This proprietary process includes trench-isolated transistors that lower internal parasitic capacitance, which improves gain bandwidth, phase margin, and capacitive load drive. The low supply current of 800 ?A (typical) per amplifier is critical for portable or densely packed designs. In addition, the rail-to-rail output swing provides greater dynamic range and control than standard video amplifiers provide. These products operate from supplies of 5 V to as high as 18 V. The unique combination of an output drive of 70 mA, high slew rates, and high capacitive drive capability makes the AD8614/AD8644 an ideal choice for LCD applications. The AD8614 and AD8644 are specified over the temperature range of –20°C to +85°C. They are available in 5-lead SOT-23, 14-lead TSSOP, and 14-lead SOIC surface-mount packages in tape and reel.
- Unity-gain bandwidth: 5.5 MHz
- Low voltage offset: 1.0 mV
- Slew rate: 7.5 V/?s
- Single-supply operation: 5 V to 18 V
- High output current: 70 mA
- Low supply current: 800 ?A/amplifier
- Stable with large capacitive loads
- Rail-to-rail inputs and outputs
- Applications:
- LCD gamma and VCOM drivers
- Modems
- Portable instrumentation
- Direct access arrangement