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Studio Network Solutions - Nomad

Nomad Software

Model: Nomad

  • Remote editing just got easier
  • No per-user pricing
  • Multi-site/hybrid workflow
  • A complete solution for in-house and remote editors
  • Workflow storage for creative teams
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Product Info

A simplified, all-in-one solution for in-house and remote video editing workflows.

Post-production teams need a way to share media, collaborate, and keep important work secure-this is critical even when everyone is in the same room, but it’s much more of a challenge when work must be done across multiple physical locations.

Working together is easy.

It’s far too easy to take for granted how efficiently projects can be completed when people are physically together. Having everyone in person, in the same room, eliminates many barriers to creativity.

Working apart takes strategy.

When projects need to be coordinated among remote users, major obstacles are in the way. Working on big editing projects from home or sharing huge media assets with remote teams and freelancers-means dealing with security, internet speed and reliability, organization, workflow issues, and communication challenges…

We can solve many of these problems for you.

Pure creativity occurs when tools disappear into the flow and “just work,” leaving editors to collaborate friction-free on fast computers and high-speed shared storage.

Under the best conditions, you never have to bother uploading/downloading huge files outside your own network. But when a global pandemic comes along, things get turned upside down, and you wonder which new remote workflow problem to try solving first.

If all you have to do remotely is answer email, you’re good. If you have to coordinate a team of editors working on a Premiere Pro project with a stack of 4K assets, and everyone has to work in different places, you have a decidedly bigger set of challenges to solve.

  • Remote editing just got easier
  • No per-user pricing
  • Multi-site/hybrid workflow
  • A complete solution for in-house and remote editors
  • Workflow storage for creative teams
  • Store, share, edit. Anywhere.
  • Every EVO includes ShareBrowser and Nomad.

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